A periodic review of how well your marketing is performing is critical for future growth! This coming year, as with the past decade, we’ll see an even higher reliance on using online channels to brand and promote your product or services. Five years ago, adults spent less than 1 hour per day online with their mobile device. In 2020, it’s reported to have increased to 3 hours per day. That’s not counting time spent online with their laptop or desktop computers. How about Social Media?
On average social media use continued to climb, although the younger age groups have now reached a saturation point, as about 90% already use social media. The fastest growing segment is the over 65's, which will change the marketing landscape when it comes to using social networks for targeting certain audiences. All metrics point to the fact that online usage isn’t just reserved for the younger generation.How does this relate to increasing the success of your business? Consumers have too many choices these days and they have to be constantly reminded that you exist. The best way to reach them is where they spend a good bit of time… which is online.
Most small businesses today still aren’t taking full advantage of ‘Content Marketing’. Understandably so. First of all, the technology and playing field is constantly changing. Business owners don’t have the time or resources to stay current on what the latest online marketing trends are, let alone generate content to push out on social media sites, blogs or emails.
Keeping your website current and relevant is probably a chore to most and isn’t getting attention either. Most small business owners I speak to either believe hiring an Internet Presence Consultant to manage and maintain their online presence is too expensive or not something they wish to invest their money in.
Well, the facts are in! Content Marketing is an investment you can’t afford to make. Don’t be like a recent contact I spoke with who said, “My business isn’t doing well enough to justify spending money for online marketing”. My call to her was prompted by a conversation I had over coffee with a friend who was asking me if I knew of any local print shops that could handle a project for him. I pulled up a local print shop website on my iPhone to show him. Sadly, the website wasn’t mobile friendly and we were not able to get the information he wanted. Instead, we searched Google and went to the business who appeared first on the list.
I wonder how many customers she misses out on daily because of her inferior online presence?
Let us manage and maintain your online presence so you can devote your time and resources to do what you are best at – managing your business and providing awesome customer service!
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